Lina Stergiou, “Fabricating the Future” (Synopsis in Proceedings), International Art Architecture Symposium “What’s Architecture? What Architects Can Do?”, School of Architecture & Applied Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, May 18, 2015: A14-5.


Main auditorium, city campus, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou.
May 18, 14:00 ‘Fabricating the Future,’ Lina Stergiou.
May 19, 10:00-12:30  round up discussion, Lina Stergiou (moderator), Shen Kang, Liu Xiaohu, K.T. Ravindran, Zhao Chen, Alexander Brodsky, Ji Yuanzhen,  Xiao Lu, Matteo Ghidoni.

May 18
09:40  K.T. Ravindran  / urban designer, New Deli School of Architecture & City Planning
10:20  Zhao Chen / architectural historian, Nanjing University, Nanjing
11:00  Alexander Brodsky / architect, Alexander Brodsky Bureau, Moscow
11:40  Ji Yuanzhen / architect, Tsinghua University Design Institute; Tsinghua University, Beijing
14:00  Lina Stergiou / architect, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou
14:40  Xiao Lu / artist, Beijing
15:40  Matteo Ghidoni / architect, Salottobuono; San Rocco Architecture Magazine, Milan
16:20  Chi Ti-Nan / architect, Chi’s Workshop; Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou
May 19
09:30 Shen Kang / Dean, School of Architecture & Applied Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou
Liu Xiaohu / guest editor, New Architecture Magazine; Huazhong University of Technology, Wuhan
10:00-12:30  round up discussion: Lina Stergiou (moderator), Shen Kang, Liu Xiaohu, K.T. Ravindran, Zhao Chen, Alexander Brodsky, Ji Yuanzhen, Xiao Lu, Matteo Ghidoni, Chi Ti-Nan
Organization: Chi Ti-Nan/School of Architecture & Applied Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou.