Author Archives: stergiou

Design Curatorial


A small house, a tree, and a roof

68 sqm house design, 600 sqm landscape design, Attica
2019 – 2020

Architect: Lina Stergiou
Collaborating architect: Olga Ioannou

Final design stage, draft 3d/2d drawings (project in progress)

Lina Stergiou, “Virus Matter: Covit-19 Spatial Politics of Body World Ecology”, in CAFAM Beijing Techne Triennial: Topologies of the Real and Art in Motion, CAFA Art Museum and ZKM – We=Link: Ten Easy Pieces, response to the postponed Triennial due to Covit-19 (from 30 March 2020, chronusartcenter). Invited by JODI, ICTI.ME.


Taking into account scientific research and facts up to the date this essay was written (20 March 2020), the terms ‘SARS-CoV-2,’ ‘Covit-19,’ ‘Virus,’ and ‘Computer Virus’ are here examined, their properties, and the bodily and global effects of …

Lina Stergiou, “Praxis: The Everyday Not as Usual”, in The Idea of the Avant Garde And What It Means Today Vol.2, ed. Marc James Léger (Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2019), pp.220-4.

In the context of ‘The Idea of the Avant Garde – And What It Means Today’ of the edited volume, this essay considers the role that professionals play or could play to a polycentric rearrangement of values and …

Exhibition of Ceramic Works, Urban Morphology, Spatial Dynamics, Shipai Village

E9 Exhibition Hall, Redtory Art & Design Factory
Tianhe district, Guangzhou
27 December 2014-14 January 2015

Dr Lina Stergiou, Associate Professor, workshop leader
Collaborating Professors from GAFA: Kim Saeng Hwa and Jin Tao

Exhibition of student work, outcome of the …

Ceramic Works, Urban Morphology, Spatial Dynamics – Shipai Village

Research Design Workshop
11-17 December 2014

Dr Lina Stergiou, Associate Professor, workshop leader
Collaborating Professors from GAFA: Kim Saeng Hwa and Jin Tao

Shipai village, Guangzhou, becomes the focal area of a research and design study, where the vast changes …

Lina Stergiou, “Bottom-up, left and right: Vocational Ethics, Creative Activism”, in AAO: Ethics/Aesthetics, ed. Lina Stergiou (Athens: Benaki Museum and Papasotiriou, 2011), pp.33-45.

This conference paper discusses activism and collaborative spatial practices within the framework of professional ethics and the notion of autonomy.…

Lina Stergiou, “1960s, Institution Architecture: Avant-Garde Roots and Function”, in “Cultural Production in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Art Collectives, Institutions and Culture Industry” special issue, Re·bus – a journal of art history and theory 2, no.8 (Spring 2017): 1-34.

While not underestimating the ambivalence that the question ‘what is the avant-garde’ still has in the arts and the literary field today, if it is a historic category or an ongoing project, and if so, what defines this project, …

Lina Stergiou, “ΤΟ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΙΔΕΑΤΟ”, ΣΤΟ ΚΡΙΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΝΟΗΣΗ (ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΕΣΗΕΑ, 2011), ΣΣ.103-20. “The Real and the Ideal,” in Crisis and Intellectuals (Athens: Cultural Foundation of the Journalists’ Union of Daily Newspapers of Athens Editions, 2011), pp.103-20.


This paper develops the notions of the Real and the Ideal and their spatial manifestations, especially in the urban space of Athens during the 19th century and during the post-war period until today, by exploring, first, the urban,

Lina Stergiou, “ΟΤΑΝ ΤΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΑ ΦΩΤΑ ΣΒΥΝΟΥΝ. When the Olympic Lights Go Out,” Opinion, Kathimerini newspaper, August 26, 2005, 15


Lina Stergiou, “ΑΘΗΝΑ: ΝΕΑ ΣΤΟΙΧΗΜΑΤΑ ΣΥΜΒΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ. Athens: New Bets of a Symbolic Dimension”, Sunday edition of Kathimerini newspaper, June 30, 2013, 10.


Lina Stergiou, “ΑΘΗΝΑ ΕΔΩ ΚΑΙ ΤΩΡΑ. Athens Here and Now,” in special issue, Architektones – the Association of Greek Architects Journal 16 (October 2015): 8-9.

Οι περισσότερες θεωρίες κοινωνικής ψυχολογίας επικεντρώνονταν ως πρόσφατα στον εξατομικευμένο αυτοπροσδιορισμό, την αυτοσύλληψη με βάση την ατομική ταυτότητα. Πιο σύγχρονες διαπολιτισμικές αντιλήψεις έφεραν στο προσκήνιο την ιδέα ότι το συνδέομαι και το ανήκω δεν δημιουργούν μόνο συσχετισμούς μεταξύ …

Lina Stergiou, “ΑΘΗΝΑ, ΜΙΑ ΠΟΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΤΗΣ. ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ; Athens, a City for its Citizens. Can We?,” Architektones – the Association of Greek Architects Journal 3 (June 2013): 7-8.

Σύμφωνα με τον Tomlinson (1991, 1999), η παραγωγή εθνικών πολιτιστικών ταυτοτήτων υπήρξε από τον 18ο αιώνα ο πιο επιτυχημένος τρόπος ενορχήστρωσης του ανήκω. Σήμερα αποτελεί μια μορφή πολιτιστικής ισχύος και εργαλείο αντίστασης στις ομογενοποιητικές δυνάμεις της παγκοσμιοποίησης, ενώ …

Lina Stergiou, ed., Revelation (Athens: Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004, 2003), English, 520 pages. ISBN 960-7980-49-2.

(book excerpts)
ATHENS D.O.E.S. competition Ephemeral Structures in the City of Athens, organized by the Hellenic Culture Organization S.A. in the context of the Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004, indicates a current political speculation on the city. For no

Lina Stergiou, “Fabricating the Future” (Talk Abstract and Program), International Art Architecture Symposium “What’s Architecture? What Architects Can Do?”, School of Architecture & Applied Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, May 18-19, 2015).


Lina Stergiou, “Bottom-up, left and right: Ecological models. Social practices,” talk at the American University of Beirut

Lina Stergiou, “Fabricating the Future” (Synopsis in Proceedings), International Art Architecture Symposium “What’s Architecture? What Architects Can Do?”, School of Architecture & Applied Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, May 18, 2015: A14-5.


Main auditorium, city campus, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou.
May 18, 14:00 ‘Fabricating the Future,’ Lina Stergiou.
May 19, 10:00-12:30  round up discussion, Lina Stergiou (moderator), Shen Kang, Liu Xiaohu, K.T. Ravindran, Zhao Chen, Alexander Brodsky, Ji Yuanzhen,  …

Lina Stergiou, ed., Against All Odds: Ethics/Aesthetics (Athens: Benaki Museum and Papasotiriou, 2011), English/Greek, 433 pages. ISBN 978-960-491-026-7

Aiming at expanding architecture’s role within society through reshaping its social and ecological contributions to the cityscape and its social fabric, the two-year interdisciplinary project AAO: Ethics/Aesthetics includes urban and performance actions, conferences, experimental academic workshops and exhibitions. The